Russian military pushes into Georgia

TBILISI, Georgia (CNN) -- The Russian military advanced into Georgia on two fronts Monday, heading toward cities outside the breakaway provinces that have been the centers of fighting.From the flashpoint South Ossetia, the Russian military moved south toward the central Georgia city of Gori, Georgia said. Russia said its troops were on the outskirts of the city.

A CNN crew in Gori saw Georgian forces piling into trucks and leaving the city at high speed.

CNN saw thousands of troops driving out of the city, as well as thousands of civilians traveling by convoy from Gori toward Tbilisi.

Gori lies along Georgia's main east-west highway, and is an important site for Georgia's communication systems.

Russian troops were also in Senaki, in western Georgia, having advanced from the breakaway area of Abkhazia, Russian and Georgian officials said.

Russia's Interfax news agency cited an official with the Russian Defense Ministry saying troops were in Senaki to "prevent attacks by Georgian military units against South Ossetia." Senaki is home to a Georgian military base.

Georgia's interior ministry said Russia had also seized control of Zugdidi -- a city on the route between Abkhazia and Senaki.Georgia launched a crackdown Thursday against separatist fighters in South Ossetia. Russia, which supports the separatists and has peacekeepers in the region, sent its military into South Ossetia on Friday.

Russia and Georgia have accused each other of killing numerous civilians during the conflict.

The Georgian government said it was recalling the army to Tbilisi "to defend the capital." U.S. officials reported seeing Georgian tanks and personnel pouring into the capital.
Russia has not threatened to enter Tbilisi and says its operations are peacekeeping. However, Georgia fears an invasion of its capital.

In Washington on Monday, President Bush said Russia's attacks against Georgia have "substantially damaged Russia's standing in the world."

Bush also warned Russia against trying to depose Georgia's government, saying evidence suggests Russia may be preparing to do so.

He called on Russia to accept a cease-fire proposal that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had signed.

Saakashvili said Monday the internationally brokered proposal would be taken to Moscow by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb on Monday evening.

A Georgian National Security Council official said the proposal called for an unconditional cease-fire, a non-use of force agreement, a withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgian territory, including the South Ossetia region, and provisions for international peacekeeping and mediation.

Later Monday, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations said Russia would not sign off on a draft U.N. resolution calling for a cease-fire discussed by the U.N. Security Council.

Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said the proposed resolution, drafted by French officials, was lacking in a "serious number" of areas.

"We will look at the draft and try to bring it to a standard where it can play a role in this," Churkin said.

One of the issues Churkin mentioned was that the draft resolution, which has not been made public, did not mention Georgia's previous "aggression" in South Ossetia.

During a conference call with reporters Monday, Saakashvili said Georgia was "in the process of invasion, occupation, and annihilation of an independent, democratic country."

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