12.08.08 / Tbilisi / Parliament Building

Photos by the Blog Author

Тактика выжженной политики

Так получилось, что обоим руководителям страны вдруг полюбилась одна и та же формула. «Мы доведем миротворческую операцию до логического конца», — чеканят премьер с президентом. Весь мир, однако, пытается понять, что именно Владимир Путин и его ближайший сотрудник Дмитрий Медведев понимают под этим самым «концом».
Официальные представители Министерства обороны утверждают, что речь идет всего лишь о восстановлении линии разделения сторон как в Южной Осетии, так и в Абхазии. Как раз сегодня под присмотром российских десантников абхазские войска начали «вытеснение» грузинских полицейских из верхней части Кодорского ущелья. До этого, дабы не допустить перегруппировки грузинских войск, подразделения России заняли город Сенаки на западе Грузии, где уничтожили два вертолета грузинской армии. Кроме того, войсковая разведка «побывала» в порту Поти, но занимать город «миротворцы» не стали. Одновременно на всей грузинской территории российская авиация последовательно уничтожает объекты, которые она считает военными.
У этих действий могут быть два объяснения. Скорее всего, российские военные торопятся уничтожить как можно больше грузинской военной инфраструктуры, до того момента как будет разработано и введено в действие соглашение о прекращении огня. Просто для того, чтобы грузинская армия перестала быть фактором, который следует принимать во внимание при стратегическом планировании на Кавказе. Однако желваки на премьерском лице играют столь сильно, что нельзя исключить: окончательное решение грузинского вопроса, то есть логическое завершение операции по принуждению к миру, подразумевает свержение Саакашвили. И тогда мы имеем дело с подготовкой броска на Тбилиси. Это предположение подтверждается и тем, что командование войсками в Абхазии принял Владимир Шаманов, полюбившийся Путину во время чеченской войны умением наступать несмотря ни на что. Замечу, что репутация генерала такова, что его назначение может иметь целью и намеренное устрашение населения Грузии.
Впрочем, какие бы стратегические замыслы ни докладывали генералы президенту и премьеру, когда те находились на командном пункте Генштаба, очевидно, что с каждым новым днем боевых действий ликвидируется не только грузинская военная инфраструктура — ликвидируется сфера политики как таковой.
Прежде всего, внешней политики. Если дела так пойдут и дальше, то всякая необходимость общения с Соединенными Штатами и западноевропейскими государствами отпадет вовсе. То есть все общение сведется, как в приснопамятные времена, к полемике в Совете безопасности ООН. Только что без громких заявлений группа ведущих промышленно-развитых государств исключила Москву из своего состава и из «группы восьми» вновь стала «группой семи». Впервые за последние несколько лет участники этой группы приняли политическое заявление без участия Москвы. Понятно почему: заявление Москве и было адресовано. Министры иностранных дел США, Великобритании, Франции, Японии, Германии, Канады и Италии весьма жестко требуют от России согласиться с грузинским предложением о прекращении огня. Поскольку сама группа – организация неформальная, то и исключение из нее фактически не требует никаких особых действий. Просто не пригласят на следующий саммит, точно так же, как сегодня не пригласили к обсуждению заявления. И все.
А собственно, зачем теперь России, которая уж точно встала с колен и села в танк, участвовать в каких-то там «восьмерках»? Ведь Владимир Путин, «наше навсегда», временно не может заседать на саммитах. Так и ну ее, эту "семерку".
Американских и западноевропейских «партнеров» (слушая, как премьер произносит это слово, проникаешься уверенностью, что скоро оно станет ругательством), каждого в отдельности, следует послать туда же, куда и всю «семерку» скопом. Потому что В.В. Путин решительно потерял интерес к общению с ними. Тем более что «друг Джордж» благополучно завершил поиск души в глазах «друга Владимира». Теперь он говорит нечто другое. Российское вторжение в Грузию «угрожает российским отношениям… со Штатами и Европой». Ну и пошли они подальше. Пока нефть есть, обойдемся. К тому же есть выдающийся мировой лидер, который всецело поддержал нашу миротворческую операцию. Это Фидель Кастро. Ким Чен Ир чего-то молчит, но, надо думать, и он подключится.
Выступая в Белом доме с заявлением, посвященном российско-грузинской войне, Джордж Буш заявил буквально следующее: « Все выглядит так, что сейчас могут предприниматься усилия по смещению избранного правительства России». Пресс-служба президента США поспешила заявить, что Буш оговорился.
А, на мой взгляд, он не так уж и не прав. Война с Грузией решительным образом изменила функции властных институтов. Премьер Путин уже под камеры рассказывает главе государства, как он, этот глава, должен поступать: «И, я думаю, будет правильно, Дмитрий Анатольевич, если Вы дадите указание военной прокуратуре… Повторяю, было бы правильно, если бы военная прокуратура получила соответствующее указание от президента».
Премьер подолгу и с удовольствием рассуждает о внешней политике и о военных делах – то есть на темы, которые формально никак не входят в зону его компетенции. Но речь не только о том, что президентская ветка просто на глазах усыхает на российской властной вертикали.
Одновременно с этим ветка законодательная отвалилась вовсе. Почти неделю российские Вооруженные силы ведут боевые действия за пределами страны. Но никто даже ради проформы не стал собирать парламент. Позвали глав думских фракций, которые были безмерно счастливы тем, что ничего не решающий президент сделал вид, что его интересует их никому не нужное мнение. Итак, победа в кавказской войне означает для России международную изоляцию и отказ даже от декоративных демократических атрибутов. Налицо стратегия выжженной политики.

Медведев приказал прекратить военную операцию в Грузии

Как сообщило только что информагентсво Reuters со ссылкой на Интерфакс, президент России Дмитрий Медведев принял решение остановить военную операцию.

Сообщается, что Медведев приказал закончить военную операцию в Грузии.

Медведев cообщил об этом на встрече с министром обороны и главой Генштаба.

"На основании вашего доклада я принял решение завершить операцию по принуждению грузинских властей к миру", - сказал Медведев.

По материалам РИА Новости, Reuters (перевод Korrespondent.net)


Russians march into Georgia as full-scale war looms

Russian soldiers outside Tskhinvali, Georgia. Photograph: Dmitry Kostyukov/AFP/Getty images

Russia's punitive campaign in the Caucasus threatened to intensify into all-out war against Georgia last night, with Russian troops seizing control of strategic towns a couple of hours from the capital, and aircraft pounding Georgian infrastructure.

Vastly outnumbered by the Kremlin's ground and air forces, the Georgian government announced it was pulling back its troops to defend the capital, Tbilisi, against a feared Russian onslaught. Washington accused the Kremlin of long preparing an invasion of Georgia in "aggression that must not go unanswered".

"Russia has invaded a sovereign neighbouring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century," President George Bush said. "The Russian government must reverse the course that it appears to be on." He urged Russia to agree to a ceasefire offer by Georgia.

The Georgian authorities said the town of Gori, 40 miles north of Tbilisi, had, in effect, fallen to the Russians, who were also advancing from the breakaway province of Abkhazia in the west into territory previously under Georgian control.

"The Georgian army is retreating to defend the capital. The government is urgently seeking international intervention to prevent the fall of Georgia and further loss of life," said the Georgian government. Its president, Mikhail Saakashvili, said the Russian campaign was aimed at overthrowing his government.

The Georgian embassy in London last night accused Russia of attempting to "conquer" Georgia. "Today the statehood of Georgia is in great danger and thereby leaving existing world order in uncertainty."

Giorgi Badridze, acting head of the embassy, compared Russia's actions with Nazi incursions into Europe in the run-up to the second world war.

Alexander Lomaia of Georgia's National Security Council said: "Russia seems intent on overthrowing the democratically elected government of Georgia and occupying the country."

The Kremlin spurned a chorus of western calls for a ceasefire, already accepted by Saakashvili, and appeared determined to ram home its military advantage at the risk of sparking an international crisis. Moscow seemed intent on imposing humiliating truce terms on Georgia.

Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin, taking a leading role in the crisis, attacked Washington for helping Georgia fly home troops from Iraq and said the west was mistaking the aggressors for victims. "The cold war has long ended but the mentality of the cold war has stayed firmly in the minds of several US diplomats. It is a real shame," Putin said.

France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, is to try to mediate in Moscow today before meeting Saakashvili in the Georgian capital, while Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany is to meet Russia's president, Dmitri Medvedev, in Sochi, just outside Georgia on the Black Sea, on Friday.

The US vice-president, Dick Cheney, said: "Russian aggression must not go unanswered and its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States."

Military officials in Moscow insisted yesterday that Russian forces would not move beyond the contested region of South Ossetia on Georgia's northern border with Russia. Sergei Ivanov, the deputy prime minister, insisted Russian "peacekeepers" were contained in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The Russian defence ministry said: "There are no Russian troops in Gori."

But by last night sources in Moscow and Tbilisi and observers on the ground confirmed that Russian troops had advanced tens of miles into Georgian-held territory from Abkhazia.

Russian troops and armoured vehicles were in control of a Georgian military base at Senaki, 25 miles beyond the Abkhaz boundary, UN military observers confirmed. The Russians had also seized Georgian police stations in Zugdidi after delivering an ultimatum to the Georgians to surrender their weapons near the Abkhaz frontlines. The towns of Kutaisi and Kurga were said to have been seized.

Georgian officials claimed that Russian tanks seized Gori, smashing the Georgian lines in two places to take control of the town that straddles the road connecting the eastern and western parts of Georgia.

Saba Tsitsikashvili, a local journalist in Gori, said Russian troops had occupied the main road on the edge of the city, but had not moved towards the centre. "People are in panic. This road where the troops are is about 2km from the centre," she said.

"This is a full-scale invasion." said Irakli Batkuashvili, head of Georgia's military planning division. "This is an occupation... Half of Georgia is under Russian control. Our aim now is to build up our troops and to create a defensive line in front of Tbilisi."


Russian military pushes into Georgia

TBILISI, Georgia (CNN) -- The Russian military advanced into Georgia on two fronts Monday, heading toward cities outside the breakaway provinces that have been the centers of fighting.From the flashpoint South Ossetia, the Russian military moved south toward the central Georgia city of Gori, Georgia said. Russia said its troops were on the outskirts of the city.

A CNN crew in Gori saw Georgian forces piling into trucks and leaving the city at high speed.

CNN saw thousands of troops driving out of the city, as well as thousands of civilians traveling by convoy from Gori toward Tbilisi.

Gori lies along Georgia's main east-west highway, and is an important site for Georgia's communication systems.

Russian troops were also in Senaki, in western Georgia, having advanced from the breakaway area of Abkhazia, Russian and Georgian officials said.

Russia's Interfax news agency cited an official with the Russian Defense Ministry saying troops were in Senaki to "prevent attacks by Georgian military units against South Ossetia." Senaki is home to a Georgian military base.

Georgia's interior ministry said Russia had also seized control of Zugdidi -- a city on the route between Abkhazia and Senaki.Georgia launched a crackdown Thursday against separatist fighters in South Ossetia. Russia, which supports the separatists and has peacekeepers in the region, sent its military into South Ossetia on Friday.

Russia and Georgia have accused each other of killing numerous civilians during the conflict.

The Georgian government said it was recalling the army to Tbilisi "to defend the capital." U.S. officials reported seeing Georgian tanks and personnel pouring into the capital.
Russia has not threatened to enter Tbilisi and says its operations are peacekeeping. However, Georgia fears an invasion of its capital.

In Washington on Monday, President Bush said Russia's attacks against Georgia have "substantially damaged Russia's standing in the world."

Bush also warned Russia against trying to depose Georgia's government, saying evidence suggests Russia may be preparing to do so.

He called on Russia to accept a cease-fire proposal that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had signed.

Saakashvili said Monday the internationally brokered proposal would be taken to Moscow by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb on Monday evening.

A Georgian National Security Council official said the proposal called for an unconditional cease-fire, a non-use of force agreement, a withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgian territory, including the South Ossetia region, and provisions for international peacekeeping and mediation.

Later Monday, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations said Russia would not sign off on a draft U.N. resolution calling for a cease-fire discussed by the U.N. Security Council.

Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said the proposed resolution, drafted by French officials, was lacking in a "serious number" of areas.

"We will look at the draft and try to bring it to a standard where it can play a role in this," Churkin said.

One of the issues Churkin mentioned was that the draft resolution, which has not been made public, did not mention Georgia's previous "aggression" in South Ossetia.

During a conference call with reporters Monday, Saakashvili said Georgia was "in the process of invasion, occupation, and annihilation of an independent, democratic country."

Грузия стягивает войска для защиты Тбилиси

[ 11 Авг. 2008 22:51 ]
Тбилиси-Lenta.ru Грузинские силы стягиваются к Тбилиси для защиты столицы от наступающих российских войск, сообщает AFP со ссылкой на заявление правительства Грузии. Сообщается, что российские войска взяли Гори и Сенаки.

По информации агентства Reuters, в Гори нет ни российских, ни грузинских военных, большинство жителей покинули город. Российская сторона отрицает, что заняла Гори.

Грузинское правительство потребовало срочного вмешательства международного сообщества для спасения страны. "Россия, судя по всему, стремится свергнуть демократически избранное правительство Грузии и оккупировать страну", - говорится в заявлении.



Voices on Georgia-Russia conflict

The current situation is some kind a nightmare - we can hardly believe this is happening to us.

The Georgian people are afraid and scared. We see how Russian jets are bombing our cities and we see Georgian soldiers being killed.

I live in Tbilisi and hear the bombs every night and early morning.

Who can I blame for this?

I don't know, both sides I think. They could avoid death and disaster if they could manage to settle the problem through negotiations.

They should sit around the table and could discuss the situation. They have to take one step back from the current situation to avoid war.

It is clear that it is the Ossetians and we Georgians who are the ones who have suffered - not Russia. Moscow doesn't care if cities are left in ruins, they don't care how many soldiers are dead. We hope to have peace soon to have an opportunity to sleep without fear.

We want to address the EU and Nato, please do everything to stop this crazy aggression.
The US has strongly criticised Russian military action against Georgia, in the bitter conflict over South Ossetia.

President George W Bush said he had expressed his grave concern to Moscow at the military's "disproportionate" response.

Nick Childs reports.


The History of the War in the Region!

Georgia is now a victim of a brutal aggression initiated by Russia and its cronies in the Caucasus. After Georgian troops defeated the criminal regime of South Ossetia, Russian troops blatantly violated Georgian sovereignty and invaded the country. Georgian army has been fighting one of the best armies in the world for days now. As of now, Russian tanks are advancing to Tskhinvali and Russian Jets are bombing Georgian cities.
by nana derugina(kachkachuri) FULL STORY:


ARLINGTON, VA – Today, in Erie, Pennsylvania, U.S. Senator John McCain delivered the following statement regarding the current conflict between Georgia and Russia:

"Americans wishing to spend August vacationing with their families or watching the Olympics may wonder why their newspapers and television screens are filled with images of war in the small country of Georgia. Concerns about what occurs there might seem distant and unrelated to the many other interests America has around the world. And yet Russian aggression against Georgia is both a matter of urgent moral and strategic importance to the United States of America.

"Georgia is an ancient country, at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and one of the world's first nations to adopt Christianity as an official religion. After a brief period of independence following the Russian revolution, the Red Army forced Georgia to join the Soviet Union in 1922. As the Soviet Union crumbled at the end of the Cold War, Georgia regained its independence in 1991, but its early years were marked by instability, corruption, and economic crises.

"Following fraudulent parliamentary elections in 2003, a peaceful, democratic revolution took place, led by the U.S.-educated lawyer Mikheil Saakashvili. The Rose Revolution changed things dramatically and, following his election, President Saakashvili embarked on a series of wide-ranging and successful reforms. I've met with President Saakashvili many times, including during several trips to Georgia.

"What the people of Georgia have accomplished – in terms of democratic governance, a Western orientation, and domestic reform – is nothing short of remarkable. That makes Russia's recent actions against the Georgians all the more alarming. In the face of Russian aggression, the very existence of independent Georgia – and the survival of its democratically-elected government – are at stake.

"In recent days Moscow has sent its tanks and troops across the internationally recognized border into the Georgian region of South Ossetia. Statements by Moscow that it was merely aiding the Ossetians are belied by reports of Russian troops in the region of Abkhazia, repeated Russian bombing raids across Georgia, and reports of a de facto Russian naval blockade of the Georgian coast. Whatever tensions and hostilities might have existed between Georgians and Ossetians, they in no way justify Moscow's path of violent aggression. Russian actions, in clear violation of international law, have no place in 21st century Europe.

"The implications of Russian actions go beyond their threat to the territorial integrity and independence of a democratic Georgia. Russia is using violence against Georgia, in part, to intimidate other neighbors – such as Ukraine – for choosing to associate with the West and adhering to Western political and economic values. As such, the fate of Georgia should be of grave concern to Americans and all people who welcomed the end of a divided of Europe, and the independence of former Soviet republics. The international response to this crisis will determine how Russia manages its relationships with other neighbors. We have other important strategic interests at stake in Georgia, especially the continued flow of oil through the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which Russia attempted to bomb in recent days; the operation of a critical communication and trade route from Georgia through Azerbaijan and Central Asia; and the integrity and influence of NATO, whose members reaffirmed last April the territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty of Georgia.

"Yesterday Georgia withdrew its troops from South Ossetia and offered a ceasefire. The Russians responded by bombing the civilian airport in Georgia's capital, Tblisi, and by stepping up its offensive in Abkhazia. This pattern of attack appears aimed not at restoring any status quo ante in South Ossetia, but rather at toppling the democratically elected government of Georgia. This should be unacceptable to all the democratic countries of the world, and should draw us together in universal condemnation of Russian aggression.

"Russian President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin must understand the severe, long-term negative consequences that their government's actions will have for Russia's relationship with the U.S. and Europe. It is time we moved forward with a number of steps.

"The United States and our allies should continue efforts to bring a resolution before the UN Security Council condemning Russian aggression, noting the withdrawal of Georgian troops from South Ossetia, and calling for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgian territory. We should move ahead with the resolution despite Russian veto threats, and submit Russia to the court of world public opinion.

"NATO's North Atlantic Council should convene in emergency session to demand a ceasefire and begin discussions on both the deployment of an international peacekeeping force to South Ossetia and the implications for NATO's future relationship with Russia, a Partnership for Peace nation. NATO's decision to withhold a Membership Action Plan for Georgia might have been viewed as a green light by Russia for its attacks on Georgia, and I urge the NATO allies to revisit the decision.

"The Secretary of State should begin high-level diplomacy, including visiting Europe, to establish a common Euro-Atlantic position aimed at ending the war and supporting the independence of Georgia. With the same aim, the U.S. should coordinate with our partners in Germany, France, and Britain, to seek an emergency meeting of the G-7 foreign ministers to discuss the current crisis. The visit of French President Sarkozy to Moscow this week is a welcome expression of transatlantic activism.

"Working with allied partners, the U.S. should immediately consult with the Ukrainian government and other concerned countries on steps to secure their continued independence. This is particularly important as a number of Russian Black Sea fleet vessels currently in Georgian territorial waters are stationed at Russia's base in the Ukrainian Crimea.

"The U.S. should work with Azerbaijan and Turkey, and other interested friends, to develop plans to strengthen the security of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.

"The U.S. should send immediate economic and humanitarian assistance to help mitigate the impact the invasion has had on the people of Georgia.

Our united purpose should be to persuade the Russian government to cease its attacks, withdraw its troops, and enter into negotiations with Georgia. We must remind Russia's leaders that the benefits they enjoy from being part of the civilized world require their respect for the values, stability and peace of that world. World history is often made in remote, obscure countries. It is being made in Georgia today. It is the responsibility of the leading nations of the world to ensure that history continues to be a record of humanity's progress toward respecting the values and security of free people.

To: U.S. Congress, European Parliament, United Nations

The hereby signers, are making a statement to express our support to the Republic of Georgia, currently being attacked by the Russian Federation, we are making a call to the European Union, the United States of America, and all peoples and nations of the world to repulse the current aggressions being performed by the Russian military lead by president Dmitry Medvedev and prime minister Vladimir Putin; our plead is to call the nations of the world and all International Organizations, to demand an immediate ceasefire and the removal of Russian troops off Georgian territories; we also call the Russian people to reject the hostilities and urge their government to return to peace.

Without Comment



Georgia is under attack by an authoritarian power that refuses to recognize international law. This is a situation that Western powers have encountered many times before in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan. The US must take the lead in fiercely condemning Russian
aggression which is a threat not only for Georgian independence but for many other Russian neighbors such as Ukraine and the Baltic states where Russia also has territorial disputes. The issue before the world community not only concerns Georgian democracy and respect for national sovereignty, but how to control the growth of a dangerous imperial and authoritarian regime in Russia. Should Russia pursue its war with impunity, we can expect continuing instability in the Caucasus for decades to come. No new democracy will be safe or able to thrive on Russia's borders.

This is a decisive moment for Western policy toward Russia. Do we allow a Russian military victory in Georgia which will reinforce Russian militarism and further weaken its democratic forces (the Russian media is already a propaganda machine for the state), or do we take the
proper action that will reinforce democracy and international law.

The Georgian Association appeals to the US government to:

* Demand the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia from Russia
* To take the diplomatic lead and dispatch US envoys to the EU, Russia and Georgia to coordinate international action
* To demand an immediate ceasefire and the end of civilian targeting by Russian planes
* The establishment of a new international peacekeeping regime in South Ossetia to replace the failed Joint Control Commission controlled by Russia.

If Russia fails to cooperate and continues bombing of Georgia and occupation of the parts of its territory, the international community must take the appropriate action including measures to ensure the diplomatic isolation of Russia. This is a decisive moment for Western powers and the Georgian Association hopes that both the USA and EU clearly recognize the danger to political
stability in Europe that Russian actions present.

The Georgian Association in the USA Inc.


SOURCE: STOP the Russian aggression against Georgia

without comment...

SOURCE: reuters.com
A Georgian woman walks among the rubble of her damaged home in Gori August 10, 2008.

REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili

A damaged South Ossetian government building is seen in the town of Tskhinvali, some 100km (62 miles) from Tbilisi, August 10, 2008. Georgia has withdrawn its forces from breakaway South Ossetia, where they had been fighting Russian troops for control, the Georgian interior ministry said on Sunday. But the Russian army said Georgian forces were still there. The announcement of a pullout followed three days of fighting in a Georgian push to take control of the pro-Moscow enclave from separatists, which prompted Russia to pour troops into South Ossetia and launch air strikes inside Georgia. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili (GEORGIA)

Georgian women cry as they leave their village near the town of Tskhinvali, some 100km (62 miles) from Tbilisi, August 10, 2008. Georgia has withdrawn its forces from breakaway South Ossetia, where they had been fighting Russian troops for control, the Georgian interior ministry said on Sunday. But the Russian army said Georgian forces were still there. The announcement of a pullout followed three days of fighting in a Georgian push to take control of the pro-Moscow enclave from separatists, which prompted Russia to pour troops into South Ossetia and launch air strikes inside Georgia. REUTERS/ Gleb Garanich (GEORGIA)

SOURCE: reuters.com
ჩვენ უძველესი ევროპული კულტურის მქონე ახალგაზრდა, დემოკრატიული ქვეყანა ვართ. ჩვენს ქვეყანაში დაიწყო ომი! რუსეთის აგრესიამ საზღვარი არ იცის, დღეს უკვე იბომბება საქართველოს მშვიდობიანი მოსახლეობა ქვეყნის მთელს ტერიტორიაზე. რუს სამხედროებთან ერთად ომი გამოგვიცხადა რუსულმა მედიამაც. ჩვენს ქვეყანაში გამოცხადდა საომარი მდგომარეობა. არ ვიცით, რა მოხდება ხვალ. ხვალინდელი დღე უნდა იყოს მშვიდობიანი, გამარჯვება მშვიდობისათვის!მშვიდობა უნდა მოვიპოვოთ ერთად! ჩვენ ერთიანი მსოფლიოს ნაწილი ვართ!შევაჩეროთ რუსეთი! ამ საუკუნეში თუ ჩვენ ვიქნებით პირველები, შემდეგი იქნებით თქვენ! არ განმეორდეს ისტორიული შეცდომები. როცა პასიურია ევროპა, რეაქციული ხდება რუსეთი.

საქართველოს მხარდაჭერა ევროპული ცივილიზაციის გადარჩენაა!

რუსეთის მიერ უკრაინის ოკუპაცია 1650-იანი წწ.რუსეთი ყირიმი - 1783 წ. რუსეთი - პოლონეთი - 1795 წ. რუსეთი - აღმ. საქართველო - 1801 წ. 12 სექტემბერი, 1802 წ. აპრილირუსეთი - იმერეთი (დას. საქართველო)- 1810 წ. რუსეთი - გურია (დას. საქართველო) - 1828 წ.რუსეთი - სამეგრელო (დას. საქართველო) - 1856-57 წწ. რუსეთი - სვანეთი (დას. საქართველო)- 1857 წ.რუსეთი - აფხაზეთი - 1864 წ. რუსეთისაგან 1 მილიონი კავკასიელის გაწყვეტა - 1859-1880 წწ. (მუხაჯირობა) რუსეთი - იაპონია - 1904-1905 წწ.რუსეთი - პოლონეთი - 1920 წ.რუსეთი - აზერბაიჯანი - 1920 წ.რუსეთი - სომხეთი - 1920 წ.რუსეთი -პოლონეთი -1939 წ. რუსეთი -ლიტვა, ლატვია, ესტონეთი - 1940 წ. რუსეთი(სსრკ) - ფინეთი - 1940 წ. რუსეთი(სსრკ) - უნგრეთი - 1956წ.რუსეთი(სსრკ) - ჩეხოსლოვაკია - 1968 წ.რუსეთი(სსრკ) - ავღანეთი - 1979-1989 წწ.რუსეთი - საქართველო - 1919 წ. 1920 წ. (აპრილი-მაისი), 1921 წ. 1924 წ. 1991-93 წწ.რუსეთი - საქართველო - 2008 წ. აგვისტო ...? რუსეთი - ... ?

Stop Russia’s Unlawful Military Invasion in Sovereign Georgia

To: President of the United States; Congress of the United States; European Council; President of the European Commission; NATO Secretary General; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Since August 8, 2008 the whole world has been witnessing Russia’s open military invasion into the independent and sovereign Republic of Georgia. Thousands of soldiers and tanks of the Russian Federation have breached the internationally recognized borders of Georgia and have been fiercely attacking Georgian troops. Furthermore, Russian warplanes have violated the Georgian airspace and carried out air strikes at different Georgian cities outside the conflict zone. These strikes have caused hundreds of casualties among civilian population.

The main reason for Russian invasion is Georgia’s close ties with the United States and the European Union countries and its willingness to build free and democratic society. Russian invasion is a desperate move to curb Georgia’s aspiration to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union.

This outrageous military aggression by Russia unequivocally reveals its imperialistic aspirations. Irresponsible incursion by Russian troops into sovereign Georgia can be perceived as nothing less than Moscow’s strong nostalgia for the Soviet Union era and zeal for “restoring” its rule in neighboring peaceful countries. By invading Georgia, Russia sends a clear message to the free world that it is ready to brutally punish any of its neighboring countries that choose to embrace the democratic and humanistic values, which the United States and the European Union countries are standing for.

The moment of truth has come for the United States and the European Union. Georgia needs HELP from its American and European friends to stop Russian invasion. Failing to react to Russian blatant military aggression will undermine the future of democracy in the region and beyond. Furthermore, inaction by the United States and the European Union will give a go-ahead to Russia to carry out military aggression elsewhere in its neighborhood in the future.

We are calling on the President of the United States and the Leaders of the European Union Nations to help Georgia and to actively pressure the Russian Government to cease fire and to withdraw its troops from the Sovereign Republic of Georgia.


ვიტალი ჩურკინი - ჩვენ ვახშობთ საქართველოს აგრესიას სამხრეთ ოსეთის წინააღმდეგ, რაც აგრეთვე გულისხმობს ქართველების სამხედრო ინფრასტრუქტურების განადგურებ

გაეროში რუსეთის ელჩის ვიტალი ჩურკინის განცხადებით, რუსეთი 60 წელია მშვიდობისმყოფელია, - ასეთის პასუხი გასცა ჩურკინმა ~სი-ე-ენის~ ჟურნალისტის შეკითხვას - ~რატომ ებრძვის რუსეთი საქართველოს, როცა ის მედიატორის როლს უნდა თამაშობდეს?~.
ჩურკინის განცხადებით, ამ დღეებში მიმდინარე კონფლიქტის დროს 50 სამშვიდობო დაიღუპა და 150 დაშავდა. "საქართველო არღვევს სამშვიდობო ხელშეკრულებებს და ებრძვის სამშვიდობო ძალებს. ჩვენ არ დაგვიკარგავს მოთმინება, ჩვენ უბრალოდ ვიცავთ ჩვენს მოქალაქეებს" – აღნიშნა მან. FULL STORY

გამნაღმველები "თბილავიამშენის" აეროდრომზე დარჩენილი რამდენიმე აუფეთქებელი ჭურვის გაუვნებელყოფაზე მუშაობენ

თბილავიამშენის აეროდრომის თანამშრომლების განცხადებით, დილის 06.00 საათისთვის ორი აფეთქების ხმა გაისმა და რუსულმა ბომბდამშენმა რამდენიმე ჭურვი ჩამოაგო.
როგორც "ინტერპრესნიუსის" კორესპონდენტი შემთხვევის ადგილიდან იუწყება, აეროდრომზე დარჩენილია რამდენიმე აუფეთქებელი ჭურვი და ამჟამად გამნაღმველები მათ გაუვნებელყოფაზე მუშაობენ. ტერიტორიაზე არავის უშვებენ.
ამ დროისთვის არსებული ინფორმაციით, აფეთქების შედეგად არავინ დაზარალებულა, თუმცა მანამდე ვრცელდებოდა ინფორმაცია, რომ დაცვის რამდენიმე თანამშრომელმა მსუბუქი დაზიანენები მიიღო.
წინასწარი ინფორმაციით, ჭურვები არ ჩამოვარდნილა აეროდრომის ასაფრენ ბილიკზე, არამედ ისინი აეროდრომის ტერიტორიაზე დაეცა.

SOURCE: http://www.ipn.ge/ge/index.php?category=4